Pulsed Ytterbium Fiber Laser

PYFL: Pulsed Ytterbium Fiber Laser

Pulsed YtterbiumFiber Laser

PYFL family

Keopsys pulsed Yb doped fiber lasers offer versatility in peak power or pulse repetition frequency. We offer solutions from picosecond to nanosecond pulses to meet customer needs for LiDAR, industrial as well as life-sciences applications. These lasers are integrated into OEM modules for a harsh environments as onboard applications. Highly reliable and robust, these Ytterbium pulsed lasers are maintenance free and easy to integrate.

In Brief pulsed Yb doped fiber laser

Keopsys patented technology for pulsed Yb doped fiber laser is used in an industrial way of production. Our production produces more than 5000 units per year of pulsed rare earth doped fiber lasers. Our know-how and reproducible method of work permit Keopsys to deliver high-quality OEM modules to a high quantity.

Optical specifications

Emitting at 1064nm with a diffraction limited beam, these Keopsys pulsed laser delivers up to 25kW per pulse.
A wide range of pulse repetition frequency is achievable from 5kHz to 100 MHz.
We provide solutions with high energy nanosecond pulses suitable for on-board, telemetry, 3D scanning applications or less powerful lasers for use as seed lasers in industry or to limit photodegradation in life-sciences applications with a 50 ps pulse duration at 100 MHz repetition frequency.
The fiber laser can be linearly polarized which is ideal for second harmonic generation.


Keopsys compact OEM modules are specially designed to be easy to integrate and to use. Devices are vibrations and shock tests and can be IP XX on request.

Robust, reliable and compact are the keywords for Keopsys Platform, and more than 10,000 units are running all over the world without any failure since more than 10 years, especially in stringent environmental conditions.

Maintenance free

Keopsys pulsed lasers are all fiber designed that make them very robust and bring a long life duration. Why? The fiber, itself, does not need any realignment over all the laser lifetime. For other passive and active components, Keopsys is using the ones from the market which are high quality. Moreover, Keopsys selects our suppliers amongst the best one in France or Europe.

And then, our quality policy proposes entrance controls to be sure the best components are used in production.

On Request

Your application is particular, even Keopsys broad range of pulsed Ytterbium doped fiber lasers, you do not find the one that fit your technical needs. Our highly skilled custom and R&D team will be pleased to answer to you.